About the cause
SeaLegacy was founded by Christina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen in 2014, and then became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Blue Sphere Foundation, Inc. (now known as Only One, Inc.) They are now one of the world's leading ocean conservation organizations. Their mission is to create healthy and abundant oceans—for us and the planet—and lead some of the most experienced and acclaimed storytellers to reveal what lies below the surface of the thin blue line. Under the Only One Collective banner, your donation will help SeaLegacy lead a movement to create healthy and abundant oceans by producing game-changing content that inspires a rising tide of global citizens to take action that has an immediate and lasting impact.
All donations are paid to Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), an IRS recognized, U.S. public charity. So long as SeaLegacy continues to qualify as an eligible recipient of CAF America grants, CAF America will make a grant to SeaLegacy equal to the net proceeds of this experience.